Scientific Committee
Title | First Name | Last Name | Organization | Country |
Dr | Nupur | Bahadur | The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) | India |
Dr | Giacomo | Bellandi | Am-team | Italy |
Mrs | Carin | Bosman | CBSS cc | South Africa |
Ass Prof | Zhuo | Chen | Tsinghua University | China |
Ms | Bettina | Genthe | Independent Senior Researcher | South Africa |
Dr | Thomas | Honer | Wingoc / Veolia | Namibia |
Prof | In | Kim | Gist | Korea |
Mr | Ian | Law | IBL Solutions | Australia |
Dr | Valentina | Lazarova | Water Globe Consultants | France |
Mr | Adam | Lovell | Water Services Association Of Australia | Australia |
Mr | Jürgen | Menge | Inrewasol Trust | Namibia |
Mr | Steve | Myers | Hach Company | United States |
Dr. | Brian | Pecson | Trussell | United States |
Prof | Ligy | Philip | Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India | India |
Mr | Yvan | Poussade | Veolia | France |
Dr | Stephanie | Rinck Pfeiffer | Global Water Research Coalition | Australia |
Mr | Eric | Rosenblum | Envirospectives | United States |
Prof | Ana | Santos | Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro | Brazil |
Prof | Shane | Snyder | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore | Singapore |
Ms | Shannon | Spurlock | Pacific Institute | United States |
Dr | Ben | Stanford | Hazen and Sawyer | United States |
Mr | Chris | Swartz | Chris Swartz Water Utilization Engineers | South Africa |
Prof | Hiroaki | Tanaka | Kyoto University/shinshu University | Japan |
Mr | Brendon | Theunissen | Zutari | South Africa |
Dr | Shane | Trussell | Trussell Technologies, Inc. | United States |
Ass Prof | Kevin | Winter | University of Cape Town | South Africa |